High Heels: High Heels – Perks of Wearing

Many women like to wear heels to appear more feminine and elegant. They also believe that they make their legs look longer and leaner.

SpendLessNZ high heels require balance and stability, which activates leg muscles and burns more calories than wearing flat shoes. Over time, this can lead to improved muscle endurance. Heels can also tone and shape the calf muscles.

SpendLessNZ high heelsHeight

Heels add a few inches to the height, which can be flattering for women of any size. The extra height can make the legs look longer and slender and create a more graceful silhouette. High heels also tend to engage the calf muscles more than flat shoes, which can contribute to shapely and defined calves.

Heeled shoes can also give a slight “lift” to the bottom area, tastefully and commonly known as the derriere. Many women wear high heels to achieve this perky effect, which can be perceived as a sign of youth and health. The added height can also draw attention and create a sense of elegance, increasing confidence in social and professional interactions.

Heels may also help to improve posture by shifting the centre of gravity forward. It causes the lower back to straighten, relieving strain on the spine and joints. In addition, the heels force the body to engage its core muscles to maintain balance, which can result in improved core strength over time.


When you wear high heels, you stand with your shoulders, back, and chest lifted to avoid the slouching associated with flat shoes. This better posture looks more graceful and can reduce back strain. In addition, the heel of a high heel forces you to engage your core muscles to maintain balance. It can lead to increased core strength over time.


Whether worn with jeans, a t-shirt, or a formal dress, high heels add an elegant touch to any outfit. Heels also make you stand up straighter, which is great for your posture and can reduce back pain caused by slouching. They may even give you a little boost in confidence.

Properly fitted shoes are essential to avoid heel-related problems like Haglund’s deformity and calluses. A shoe that is too small will suffocate the toes and be painful to wear, while a shoe that is too big will slip on the back of the foot and cause your feet to chafe and rub together.

Walking confidently in heels is a skill that can be learned with practice. The key is to focus on proper posture and core engagement to keep your balance. By focusing on a heel-to-toe motion, taking small steps, and practising often, you can learn to walk in heels with grace and poise. In addition, taking a yoga class will help strengthen and tone the muscles in your feet and ankles, improving your ability to walk comfortably in heels.


Wearing SpendLessNZ high heels is not only a way to look sexy but also gives many women a sense of confidence. Wearing heels has some surprising health benefits, such as:

Improved Posture

Heels encourage better posture by shifting the weight forward and aligning the spine. This results in a tucked-in tummy, lifted chest and elongated neck, giving the body a leaner, more toned appearance.

Elongated Legs

High heels visually elongate the legs, making them appear longer and slimmer. This effect is a big reason why women love to wear them, as they can give them a more flattering silhouette.

High heels are a staple of modern fashion, seen on the feet of women, from celebrities to runway models. While they can be difficult to walk in and cause foot pain and embarrassing falls if not worn correctly, high heels also offer unique benefits that enhance the wearer’s appearance and confidence. From a health perspective, heels can also provide relief for certain medical conditions and provide an unintended workout for your leg muscles.